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Vienne's often refer to cars as "horses"

Due to how unattractive the Svalbardian image is to Vienne's, Svalbardian people are often used as inspiration to work out and be healthy. People will commonly tape Svalbardian men and women on their walls, insitutions such as gyms typically do this. Some gyms even charge more based on how many Svalbardian posters are inside! is used so much in Vioraux, many have begun using gecko skin for clothing items such as shoes.

As of 2015, Versailles has more fake trees than real ones. 

Khionian take out is extremely popular, and can be found almost anywhere.

Vienne's watch more hours of Atnaian films in a year, than they spend driving.

3 religions are banned within Vioraux. If someone is convicted of practicing Islam or Judaism, they face up to 10 years in prison. If someone is convicted of practicing Buddhism, they face possible execution.

In rememberance of her 1st husband Mikl, Victoire often wears a diamond ring made of his ashes. It is her way of having him always close to her.

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