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Located in the northern most province of Aquitoux the city of Versailles works as the capital and financial hub of Vioraux

Versailles was the first ever major city of Vioraux. Its popularity started in the 1870's when it became a popular port city for the then colony of France. It has always been modern for its time, and today it is a blossoming metropolitan area. Even the old capital building was scrapped to build a new modern version. The oldest and most out of place building in the city is the "Palais Jaune" which serves as the Presidents household. Versailles is known for its outlandish fashion, Modern day Coliseum, Stuck up populace, and Prevalence of french culture.

Population: 2.5 Million

Unemployment Rate: 1%

MHI: ₦90,000

Airports: Two

Stadiums: Three

Photo Gallery

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