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Vioraux comprises of very flat and dry terrain causing warm sunny beaches but dry cracked plains. Vioraux also owns islands located off the coast. These islands are very tropical and contain vast rain forests. The mainland includes three rivers and one moderate size lake. 


With its hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters, Vioraux experiences a mediterranean climate. Winters in Vioraux are cool and humid in the north. The coasts are kept warm by the high sea temperatures. The summer can be quite hot in Vioraux, mainly in the south of the island, with high nocturnal temperatures of usually 28-22°C, but sometimes even 40°C. Hot air rising from the sea can cause heavy Thunderstorms especially in early fall, but these often bring the only summer rain that rapidly evaporates.

Mount Triomphe

Land Area: 147,000 km²

Highest Point: Mount Triomphe (14,000 ft)

Lowest Point: Noir Valley (50 meters below sea level)


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